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THE CRYPTO-ARTIST KEVIN ABOSCH / When the artist becomes an artwork / Art & Innovation / ArteConcas

When the artist becomes an artwork.

The Irish artist Kevin Abosch is a portrait painter who rose to the limelight in 2016 for selling to a collector one of his works representing a potato for one million euros.

This event caused in Abosch a strange feeling, a reflection on himself, on his being an artist and his art.

The artist felt “commodified”, almost like a real coin, so he decided to make an artwork out of himself by becoming a crypto-artist.

Let’s find out how …

#kevinabosch #arteconcas #artarteinnovazione

Watch the video with english subtitles on YouTube:

[vc_video link=”” align=”center”]

ART & INNOVATION/ ANDREA CONCAS / The art world no one told you / Arte CONCAS

I speak about art and cultural marketing, I discover a “secret” a day, and I publish a weekly video …
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And what are you waiting for? Discover the secrets of the art world …
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Every day I live, communicate and speak of art with anyone and everywhere, as founder of Art Backers and Art Rights, teacher, consultant, speaker or sposkesman…
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