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PRESS OFFICES AND PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ART / What they are and what they do / ArteCONCAS

Who are they and what they do…

The World of Art is a complex system, made up of multiple relationships more or less important and functional for certain industries and goals.

Among the industry players there are those who have made out an the art from communication, maintaining the relationships and the organisation of specific events a business that directly or indirectly intersects with all the protagonists of the art system.

Let’s find out who they are…

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Watch the video with english subtitles on YouTube:

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 ANDREA CONCAS / The art world no one told you / Arte CONCAS

I speak about art and cultural marketing, I discover a “secret” a day, and I publish a weekly video …
On Instagram something more ..
And what are you waiting for? Discover the secrets of the art world …
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Every day I live, communicate and speak of art with anyone and everywhere, as founder of Art Backers and Art Rights, teacher, consultant, speaker or sposkesman…
Discover the art secrets also on:
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Rimani aggiornato e scopri i segreti del mondo dell’Arte con ArteCONCAS ogni settimana…