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TWO CHATS WITH MATTEO MAFFUCCI AT THE MIART 2019 – ArteConcasTALKS LIVE with the collector / ArteConcas / Andrea Concas

At Miart 2019 with the collector Matteo Maffucci

At Miart 2019 with the collector Matteo Maffucci

In the days of the Milan art fair, I met the collector Matteo Maffucci and while walking through the Miart stands, “without filters” we talk about art and the market, to discover what lies behind a great international event …


In my life I have the good fortune to meet every day, thanks to my passion for art and my work, numerous professionals from this world so complex but so fascinating as that of Art.

I talk and talk to them every day during meetings, events, exhibitions and art fairs.

ArteConcas TALKS LIVE to chat on the go and learn about visions, stories and experiences of artists, collectors, gallery owners and other professionals in the places where you live and breathe the art every day.
#matteomaffucci #oneshotagency #andreaconcas #talks

Powered By: Art Rights:
Supported By: Art Backers – The AB gallery
Location: Miart – international modern and contemporary art fair – Fieramilanocity – Viale Lodovico Scarampo, 2

Andrea Concas / ArteConcas / The world of art that no one has ever told you

Watch the video on YouTube:

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#ArteConcasBOT è il primo BOT del mondo dell’arte che risponde alle tue domande sull’Arte e gli Artisti, tra contenuti interattivi, video, approfondimenti, curiosità e molto altro, “quando vuoi e dove vuoi”.

Sei pronto a scoprire il mondo dell’arte che nessuno ti ha mai raccontato con #ArteCONCAS? Se siete curiosi anche voi di scoprire qualcosa in più su Jackson Pollock fate le domande su Messenger ad #ArteConcasBOT e lui vi darà sicuramente qualche risposta interessante…


Parlo di arte e di marketing culturale, scopro un “segreto” al giorno, e pubblico tre video a settimana…
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Ogni giorno vivo, comunico e parlo d’arte con chiunque e dovunque, come fondatore di Art Backers e Art Rights, docente, consulente, speaker o relatore…
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