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Christie’s Art &Tech Summit / ART & INNOVATION / ArteCONCAS / Andrea Concas

Even the big auction houses look at art and technology …

The art world is changing.

A confirmation comes from Christie’s (London), which in collaboration with Vastarii and Christie’s Education London, promoted the first Art + Tech Summit 2018 in London.

A dialogue between experts from all over the world to explore the advantages of the technologies applied to the world and the art market.

Let’s find out what has emerged …

#artandinnovation #Christies #andreaconcas #arteconcas #innovationart #innovation #artstartup #startup

Watch the video on YouTube:

[vc_video link=”” align=”center”]

ART & INNOVATION/ ANDREA CONCAS / The art world no one told you / Arte CONCAS

I speak about art and cultural marketing, I discover a “secret” a day, and I publish a weekly video …
On Instagram something more ..
And what are you waiting for? Discover the secrets of the art world …
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Every day I live, communicate and speak of art with anyone and everywhere, as founder of Art Backers and Art Rights, teacher, consultant, speaker or sposkesman…
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Rimani aggiornato e scopri i segreti del mondo dell’Arte con ArteCONCAS ogni settimana…